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Mixmaster is the type II remailer protocol and the most popular implementation of it.

Remailers provide protection against traffic analysis and allow sending email anonymously or pseudonymously. Mixmaster consists of both client and server installations and is designed to run on several operation systems including but not limited to *BSD, Linux and Microsoft Windows.

The current 3.0.x versions are stable and widely deployed.

To download Mixmaster visit Sourceforge's download center. Packages for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution can be found in the testing and unstable distributions on a mirror near you. Also see http://packages.debian.org/mixmaster.

For pingers and other remailer implementations see related Software.

Development Tree

To check out a copy of the Mixmaster development tree you need Subversion.
svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-mixmaster/trunk/Mix/ mixmaster-devel

Signing Releases

Releases in 2008

Releases of Mixmaster 3.0 were signed by Len Sassaman using the Mixmaster 3.x Code Release Signing Key (2993D5F9).
pub   2048R/2993D5F9 2007-07-03 Mixmaster 3.x Code Release Signing Key
      Key fingerprint = 9439 B73F DE78 8B59 2020  1D41 1AF5 1CE7 2993 D5F9
This key is signed by Len Sassaman's key 5DE480FC (B115 73A8 91A8 05DC B26D CBEB 4A0A 8149 5DE4 80FC) and several other people.
For a full list of signatures see 0x2993D5F9 on any keyserver.

Note: This key expired on July 2nd 2010

Releases in 2006

Releases of Mixmaster in 2006 were signed by Len Sassaman using the Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2006 (EA103D8B).
pub  2048R/EA103D8B 2006-06-24 Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2006
     Key fingerprint = BD24 B172 7C1E 8AF0 BFBF  F9C6 A33E DC41 EA10 3D8B

Note: This key expired on January 1st 2007

Releases in 2004

Releases of Mixmaster in 2004 were signed by Len Sassaman using the Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2004 (8A277312).
pub  1024D/8A277312 2004-01-01 Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2004
     Key fingerprint = 1252 1706 B89B F4DF 3001  32A6 328A 8C3B 8A27 7312
This key is signed by Len Sassaman's key 5DE480FC (B115 73A8 91A8 05DC B26D CBEB 4A0A 8149 5DE4 80FC), Lance Cottrell's key 4F68DD91 (5327 8E77 666A 91F3 7007 B357 844B 9659 4F68 DD91) and several other people.

Note: This key expired on December 31st 2004

Releases in 2003

Releases of Mixmaster in 2003 were signed by Len Sassaman using the Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2003 (9260849A).
pub  1024D/9260849A 2003-01-01 Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2003
     Key fingerprint = 8238 9577 4E47 CC1B 1C55  79A7 5EF0 F030 9260 849A
This key is signed by Len Sassaman's key 5DE480FC (B115 73A8 91A8 05DC B26D CBEB 4A0A 8149 5DE4 80FC), Lance Cottrell's key 4F68DD91 (5327 8E77 666A 91F3 7007 B357 844B 9659 4F68 DD91) and several other people.

Note: This key expired on January 1st 2004

Releases in 2002

Releases of Mixmaster in 2002 were signed by Len Sassaman using the Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2002 (E99872D3).
pub  1024D/E99872D3 2002-07-01 Mixmaster Code Release Signing Key 2002
     Key fingerprint = E73A 7757 7540 8BF1 D977  CACD 473D D317 E998 72D3
which is signed by Len Sassaman's key 5DE480FC (B115 73A8 91A8 05DC B26D CBEB 4A0A 8149 5DE4 80FC) and Lance Cottrell's key 4F68DD91 (5327 8E77 666A 91F3 7007 B357 844B 9659 4F68 DD91).

Note: This key expired on January 1st 2003

Current developers

In January 2012 we lost Ulf Möller, our friend and main advisor.
In July 2011 we lost a dear friend, developer and project leader Len Sassaman aka rabbi.
On October 31st 2002 we lost a dear friend and developer: Janis Jagars aka Disastry. Read Len's Obituary for Disastry.

Thanks to Anonymizer Inc. and Lance M. Cottrell for making this project possible.

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